Whole30 ketchup

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This Whole30 ketchup is sweeten naturally and the best thing about this that it is sugar free. Whole30 ketchup is best one for diabetic patients and is best for the people who are doing whole30 diet.

As summer season starts people come out for picnic parties and they go to beaches and some have tours towards hilly areas. So summer means a lot of parties and a lot of burgers on grill. Ketchup is the most important ingredient use in grill burgers. When we talk about ketchup available in market than it comes up with calories and a lot of sugar too. This Whole30 ketchup is best for the ones who are in diet and for the ones who are diabetic patient.

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I visited a lot of stores in search of low calories ketchup but fail to find a single one. All the process ketchup available in market are full of sugar which is not good when someone is on diet. So if you are on dieting so not use process ketchup available in market. Try this Whole30 ketchup recipe and make your own ketchup at home in very short time with very low ingredients.

This is a great sauce to satisfy all your dipping needs

Whole30 ketchup is a great sauce to satisfy all your dipping needs. When you are making this sauce at home you will add things according to your requirements and needs, This Whole30 ketchup is free of natural flavor and there is no high fructose corn syrup. This satisfies your diet needs as well.

What makes this Whole30 ketchup so good

  • This Whole30 ketchup tastes just like the ketchup available in market.
  • Whole30 ketchup has no sugar as like sugar available in market
  • The Whole30 ketchup recipe is without date means you need no juicer and blender to crush the dates and makes it a mixture.
  • This recipe is very easy and less time taking too.
  • You can be preserve Whole30 ketchup easily in fridge for 2 weeks.
  • Coconut aminos is sweeten in taste so it is use in this recipe instead of dates.
  • We do not use in this recipe because not every person likes the taste of dates in ketchup. That’s why we prefer to use coconut aminos which has sweeten flavor.

Variations in recipe

You can add dates in ketchup instead of coconut aminos. As date is sweet is taste so they can give sweeten taste to ketchup. So the first variation you can do in recipe is add dats instead of coconut aminos. By doing this variation in recipe you have to blend dates. Adding dates will increase the setup of blending dates

Second variation in this recipe you can do is add some clove of garlic in it and add some chili flakes. It will give the flavor of chili garlic ketchup. Third variation in this recipe you can do is whisk in 1 cup of mayonnaise. This will gives this ketchup a creamy texture.

Coconut aminos 

Coconut aminos is best, affordable ad delicious in taste. Do not forget to add this in the recipe of ketchup otherwise there is no taste in Whole30 ketchup. This coconut aminos has sweeten taste which adds sweeten flavor in ketchup. You can preserve coconut aminos  in fridge and use it whenever you require

Is Whole30 ketchup approve on Whole30 diet?

As the ketchup available in market is full of sugar because sugar is add in it to enhance sweeten flavor. People who are on whole30 diet , the can not afford to have high quantity sugar. The recipe of Whole30 ketchup includes no sugar so this ketchup is best for the ones who are on whole30 diet. Make this ketchup once and use this with every snakes and try it on grill burgers and enjoy your meal.

How does this Whole30 ketchup get its flavor?

This ketchup is mixture of fine tomatoes so it has rich flavor of tomatoes. As we do not add sugar in this recipe that’s why its sweeten taste depends on  coconut aminos which is similar to soya sauce but it is made from coconut. So coconut aminos is the secret ingredient of Whole30 ketchup.

Try this ketchup with Air Fryer Tatar Tots and it’s totally amazing with Air Fryer Frozen French Fries.

Whole30 ketchup

Fresh home made ketchup is delicious in taste and it can be serve with any snakes. The best thing about this ketchup is it is easy to prepare and takes only few minutes. This ketchup is best for the ones who are on whole30 diet.


  • 1-tablespoon Kosher Salt
  • 2-tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1-tablespoon coconut amonis
  • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground pepper
  • 1/4 tablespoon mustard powder
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 6-oz tomato paste


  1. Take a large saucepan and add all the ingredients mention above in the saucepan.
  2. Turn the flame on. Keep the flame on medium to avoid over cooking.
  3. Stir constantly to get a smooth mixture.
  4. After 30 minutes turn the flame off until ketchup is cooked properly.
  5. If you this mixture thick than add some water and mix gradually to get less thicker paste.
  6. Pour this mixture into some jar and let it cool and after cooling shift the jar into fridge. You can preserve this ketchup for 2-3 weeks.

Nutrition Facts

This is a great sauce to satisfy all your dipping needs. This ketchup is free of natural flavor and there is no high fructose corn syrup. That’s why this recipe is best as it has no sugar which means people who are on whole30 can also use this.

Prep time: 5 minute

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Cuisine: American

Usman Farooq: