Tapioca Flour

As the gluten free baking is increasing day by day in recent years, Tapioca Flour has become staple for many people. Tapioca starch is full of carbohydrates and after manufacturing Tapioca Flour becomes gluten free flour. This Tapioca Flour is use as thickening agent in many doughs used in various kind of food recipes. In many recipes it covers everything from pizza dough to pie filling.
Tapioca tastes mild and slightly sweet in flavor and this is one of the purest form available in starch. The Tapioca Flour is much similar to that of Cassava Flour having less sugar with low carbs and best thing is it is totally Gluten Free.
What Is Tapioca Flour
Tapioca Flour is becoming famous with up coming time like as this is use as replacement of regular flour in baking items. People who are on diet like people who are on Whole30 diet they are concern about having low calories in diet. This Flour is less in calories with very low sugar. This flour is useful for the ones who are on diet as this flour can be use in many baking items like butter pie, pizza and many other recipes as well.
Health Benefits
Benefits of Tapioca Flour in cooking or in baking includes
Gluten-Free and Nut-Free
The people who are on diet and they can not take high carbs food, or they avoid baking items during their diet because they contains more fats and are high in gluten and sugar so the issue is solve now as people who are on diet this Flour is very useful for them. Instead of using routine flour now you can use Tapioca Flour mix in equal amount with some other flour to have low carbs in baking items.
Products made with Tapioca Flour are easy to digest and they are good for the ones who has digestion issues. This Flour is an alternative to all the available flours in market like all purpose flour and nut base flour. This flour has many advantages of using it in baking process without adding any extra gluten.
Low Calories, Sugar and Fats
Tapioca Flour has more carbohydrates nd more amount of water as compared to other types of flour. It has very less sugar almost equal to zero and very low in calories too. It is use in many healthy recipes as well. When we use Tapioca in baking items than it reduce the use of dairy products, cream, butter and oil.
Tasteless and Odorless
The best part about this Flour is that it is tasteless and odorless. You can add this flour in sweet dishes and in savory dishes as well. It is difficult to detect weather you have use plain flour or Tapioca Flour in the recipe. By using this flour in baking recipes won’t add any articular flavor in them. It helps the crust to be more crispy and add brownish color in recipes during baking.
Gluten Free and Nut Free
The reason that people are using this this Flour more now-a-days is that this flour is nut free and gelatin free too.

Tapioca Flour
In market/grocery stores Tapioca Flour is available in different forms
Tapioca Flour: It is common ingredient for gluten free and it has consistency of fine meal.
Tapioca Starch: soluble powder use for thickening the sauces or drying the water. If the recipes includes Tapioca starch than you can easily use Tapioca Flour instead of it.
Tapioca pearls: These are the small pearls which melts on heating. They are made by passing moist tapioca starch from sieve under high pressure.
How To Use
For the best use of this flour add this flour in equal quantity with other gluten free flour so that mixture may not become sticky. Tapioca absorbs water very quickly even if the water is add after boiling with constant stirring. Few drops of water are enough to transform tapioca into liquid smooth dough. The best thing about this flour is that it is odorless and taste less and it has no color too. That’s why when this flour is add in baking recipes it will not effects the texture of recipes. Benefits of this flour includes
- It adds crispiness to pizza dough and pie crusts.
- This adds chewiness to cookies
- It forms gluten free filling for blueberry tarts.
- This flour can replace cornstarch
- It thickens the soups and any other syrups or sauces
- This flour is use in custards and pudding instead of cornflour.
Tips for baking with Tapioca Flour
- Tapioca Flour uses les water as compare to other flours so you may take care that you use less flour as you think you need to add in recipe.
- The recipe that involves more flour may have a chance that it may become crispier from outside and the inside material remain doughy.
- The best thing is that this flour is taste less you can add it in the placement of plain flour in baking recipes to make baking recipes more healthy.
Recipes that involve Tapioca Flour
this flour can be added in almost all kind of baking recipes. It can be use in replacement of cornstarch as well. This Flour is used in
- Soft Gluten Free Tapioca Wraps
- Grain Free Rosemary Garlic Flatbread
- Crispy Waffles
- Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
- Brazilian Cheese Bread
- Paleo Dinner Rolls
- Rustic Paleo Breakfast Pizza
- Paleo Naan
- Mango Chicken With Coconut Cauliflower Rice
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Nutrition Facts
Tapioca Flour has many nutrition facts in it like it is sugar free and it is low in calories too. 1 cup of Flour has round about
- 100 calories
- 26 grams of carbohydrates
- Almost zero sugar, fats and proteins
Tapioca Flour is made up of many carbohydrates and it has very low sugar, fats, sodium in it. It has many essential nutrition as well just like proteins, vitamins and fiber as well.